Charlottesville Senior Portraits Spotlight: Regina

High School Seniors

Today we are excited to feature Senior Model Regina! You may have seen her Charlottesville Senior Portraits at Mt. Ida Farm from last year. Now that graduation is quickly approaching for the class of 2014, we thought it would be fun to hear her reflect on high school, share her future plans and tell us what she is most looking forward to in college!

AWP: “Hi Regina! Congratulations on being accepted to the University of Tennessee! That’s so exciting! What made you decide to choose UT?”

Regina: “Thank you! I’m very excited to be going to UT in the fall. I chose UT because out of all the schools I was accepted to it had the most I was looking for in a school- it’s out of state, huge state school, football is a big deal, Greek life is great, and the campus is absolutely beautiful! When I went on my tour there I fell in love and it just felt right to me. That’s one of the most important things when choosing a college is being able to walk on campus and feel like you’re home, which is how I felt at UT!

AWP: “What has been your favorite part and what you will miss most about high school?

Regina: “My favorite part of high school was probably getting the opportunity to meet so many new people because I did move from New York my freshmen year. Having that chance to get to know so many new people taught me much more then living in my hometown through high school would have. So I would have to say just being active in my school by doing clubs and sports was my favorite part. I will miss the comfort of high school always having teachers reminding me of homework and allowing for us to do corrections and stuff like that. I know college will not be like that at all and that I will miss. 

AWP: “What are you most looking forward to in college?”

Regina: “Freedom! I can not wait to get out in the world and meet so many new people I’m beyond excited to go to a school where I do not know anyone. Most kids are terrified of that, but I honestly could not be more excited.”

Regina, the Aaron Watson Photography team wishes you the best at the University of Tennessee and in all your future endeavors!



Charlottesville Senior PortraitsOutdoor High School Senior Portraits

Outdoor senior portraits

Charlottesville High School Portraits

 Charlottesville VA senior portrait photography by Aaron Watson Photography

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